How To Install WordPress Locally On Android 2020

WordPress Localhost On Android – Hello guys In this video I am going to show you how to Install WordPress Locally On Android 2020, so guys now you can use WordPress on android phone.

WordPress is the best CMS in the world. You can easily make any type of website with one click. You don’t need to have any coding language or programing language.

You can easily create a professional website with this.

This tutorial is all about How To Install WordPress Locally On Android. Guys in this tutorial I will tell you to step by step method to install WordPress locally on Android. So, guys, let’s get started.

Requirements To Install WordPress Locally On Android:

(1) Download I Go – Code Editor. Download I Go – Server App from play store. This app will help you to install a local server on Android

(2) Download ZArchiver App. You will need this app for file extract. This app is available on Google play store for free. You can download it from the above link as well.

(3) Download the latest WordPress Zip File. This file is the most important file for installing WordPress on android. Download WordPress Zip File from the above link.

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(4) use any web browser to access your website. I recommend you use the Google Chrome browser. Download the Google Chrome app from the play store.

How To Install WordPress Locally On Android 2020:


Follow all the steps which I showed in the tutorial. So, guys, this trick is great to learn web development.

1. Download All the required files from the above links. All files are required to install WordPress locally on android.

How To Install WordPress Locally On Android. 

2. Open Incode-Go – Editor App first. Allow all the permissions. It will take time for the first time. So wait for the full interface of that app.

3. Now just extract the WordPress zip file using ZArchiver App into the Incode-Go/data_files/ www folder.

4. Now open Incode-Go Server App. It will ask you to download all server related packages. Just click on install. It will take some time.

How To Fix WP Admin not working Problem On WordPress.

5. After all, download done. Now again open Incode-Go Editor App. Go to the server section. You will see Apache Web Server, MySql Database Server option. Just click on the start button.

6. Done. Your server now activated. Now you are ready to Install WordPress Locally On Android.

7. Now first you need to create Databases for your site. For that click on the SQL Buddy option present in the Database Management section.  Open this page on any browser (recommend chrome).

8. Now you will see PHP my SQL server page then you will ask for username and password so just use root at a username and password leave it blank. then click on the go button then you will see your main home page of PHP my admin.

Then you will see a database option on the top. so click on that database option then create a new database. name it like what you want I name it an MT. that’s it your database is ready.

9. Now open Google Chrome browser. And type Now you will see the WordPress installation page.

just follow the video and put the right information to install WordPress on your Android device.

Database = MT (use your database name) Username = root Password = blank

Now click on the submit button.

10. It will redirect to WordPress backend login page so put your information according to your choice I mean username password. Done.

NOTE: how to view shortcuts.

View your website: localhost:8080/

View your WordPress admin :localhost:8080//wp-admin


Download All files :

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