How To Install WordPress On cPanel – Installation Guide 2020

How To Install WordPress? This is the most asking question if you are a new blogger. If you want to create a professional website then you should know How To Install WordPress.

You don’t need any coding language. You can create any type of website without coding language.

If you are a new blogger. You want to start your online business and want to grow your website with a great user interface of your website, then you should know How To Install WordPress On your cPanel.

In this guide, I am going to tell you, step by step method for How To Install WordPress using cPanel. So if you really want to install WordPress and you want to switch blogger to WordPress, then this article for you.

So let’s begin,

First, you need to understand what is WordPress and how it works. So let’s understand in detail.

What is WordPress? 

How To Install WordPress

WordPress is an content management system (CMS). Its based on PHP and MySQL language. that is mostly used with the MySQL or MariaDB database servers. But WordPress also uses the SQLite database engine.

 Features include an plugins  and a template system, referred to inside WordPress as Themes. WordPress is the most suitable for Blogging. But WordPress has the ability to support other types of web content as well.

including more traditional mailing lists support and forums, media galleries membership sites,  learning management systems and online stores. WordPress is tested by more than 60 million sites,

In simple words, it is the best website builder for new bloggers as well as old. It provides simple and effective services to users. They provide a simple user interface that means everyone can use it.

OK, so I hope you understand what is WordPress. Now let’s move to our Mein topic which is How To Install WordPress On cPanel. Let’s start.

How To Install WordPress On cPanel – Installation Full Guide 2020.

guy’s before start installing WordPress. You need to check which requirements & step you needed for WordPress Installation. Let’s see.

  1. Buy a domain online.
  2. Buy web hosting online.
  3. connect a domain to hosting.
  4. How to Install WordPress On cPanel.
  5. upload & apply professional themes.

If you want to understand how to install WordPress on Cpanel, then you need to go through the above points. So let’s understand together in detail.

1. Buy a domain online

As the name suggests you should have a domain name for your website. The domain is your website Adress. Your all visitors follow your Adress and reached your website. You should buy a domain online.

You can buy any type of domain name. But I recommend you to use top-level domains (TLD). Like .com .in .net .org domains.

There are lots of companies that provide domains at cheap rates. I recommend you to use Godaddy. They provide all types of domains at cheap rates. And they also release lots of offers and Discount coupons for new users.

But if you want to start as a learning purpose, not for loudness. If your priority is first to learn then earn. Then you should go with free domains as well. It will work as well for you.

You can get free domains for learning purposes. There are lots of companies on the internet. They provide free domains for users. But those domains are not top-level domains.

You can use to get you free domains. Just create an account and register a domain for 1 year for free. I hope now you have the best domain name for your website. Let’s move to the next step.

2. Buy a web hosting online

Afer domain parches, now the next step is to Buy a web hosting online. Let’s think, whare your domain and website files are stored? Yes, right you need online storage which can help you to store your website files and show them online.

So, guy, ‘s you need to buy web hosting. You can buy hosting from various websites at a low or high-cost accounting to your needs.

There are lots of companies that provide the best hosting for your website. Like Godaddy, Hostinger and Blue host, etc are the best hosting saling companies.

But if you are going to plan, first I will learn then earn priority like free domains. Then you can try free hosting services. Lots of companies are providing free Hosting services for a lifetime.

I have a special article on my site. There you can find the top 10 best free web hosting sites list.

Make sure you have a sufficient hosting server. If you want to install WordPress. You should have a proper hosting service that will complete WordPress requirements.

Web Server supports Apache or Nginx.
Disk Space: more than 1GB.
Database: support MySQL Database.
RAM: 512+.
PHP : 7 +.
Processor: more than 1.0GHz.

3. connect a domain to hosting

Now we have our business domain and hosting with us. But if you have a domain and hosting from two deferent companies. So you need to connect a domain to your hosting service.

And If you have a domain and hosting with the same company, then you don’t need to do this step. You can directly go to the 4th step.

Let’s connect our business domain to our hosting. When you will complete your Hosting purchase, you will receive an email from the hosting service.

In that email, you will get your account details, nameservers, FTP account, server IP Adress and more information according to your Hosting plan.

If you want to connect your domain to hosting, then first log in to your domain registrar account. Select your domain, I am using Godaddy for the domain. All process is same for all domain companies.

Just log in to your domain registrar profile. Click on your profile picture. Select My Products option. Select your domain. Click on set up a button or click on your domain. There you will see lots of options. Now select Manage DNS option.

Now you will see the Nameservers option. Click on that option. There you need to change your Default nameservers to your Hosting nameservers. Hosting nameservers you will get in your email which sends by hosting service at the time of purchase.

Just replace your Godaddy nameservers with your Hosting nameservers. Now your domain is connected with your Hosting. It will take time to update nameservers. It might take 24 hours. After that, you are ready to install WordPress on your cPanel.

4. How to Install WordPress On cPanel

Guys, finally we are reached to our main topic. Our hosting and domain now connected pttiprrly using the above steps. Let’s see How To Install WordPress using our web hosting cPanel. It’s very easy to do. Let’s start.

First, log in to your web hosting cPanel. You can access that panel from your web hosting website. And you can also access your cPanel using the link. Just open any browser and type your_domain/Cpanel. You will see the cPanel login page.

Enter your cPanel login details properly. You will get your cPanel login details in your email send by the hosting service. If you don’t have it, take that details from the hosting provider.

After login to your cPanel, you will see lots of options. So just search or find Softaculous Apps Installer. Click on that. It will show you lots of website builders. You need to select WordPress.

And now you will see the Install button in blue color. Click on that. Now it’s time to configure our WordPress details. Enter the required details below.

Choose the version you want to install: 5.3.1+
Choose Protocol: http://
Choose Domain: your domain.
Admin Username: any.
Admin Password: any.

Just click on the Install button. It will start installing WordPress in your cPanel. It will take 10-30 ascends. The above things are important. To enter all the details carefully. And remember your admin Username and password. It will use to log in WordPress backend dashboard.



After installation done. WordPress will give you an admin URL like this your_domain/wp-admin. Just click on that admin URL. It will redirect you to the WordPress login dashboard. Just enter your WordPress admin username and password. Then click on the login button.



Now finely you will see your WordPress dashboard, where you can modify anything. Now your website is successfully live. Put your domain URL in any browser. You will see your WordPress site is now active.

5. upload & apply professional themes

after the installation of WordPress, now our next step is to design our website. for design, you need a great looking user-friendly WordPress theme. It will change your website’s look and design completely with one click.

there are lots of WordPress themes available on the Internet. there are two types of themes available on the internet. The first, one is paid themes and the second one is free themes. so which one we need to try. of course, we are going to create a professional website,

so we will use paid thems but you can also use free WordPress themes for learning purposes. download any WordPress theme which you want to install on your WordPress site. Let’s install our theme.

there are two ways to install a WordPress theme on your side. so let start one by one
these two methods are installing WordPress theme from the WordPress dashboard or installing WordPress themes from your cPanel.

A. How to install WordPress themes from WP dashboard

save your WordPress theme file in your computer or mobile phone go to WP admin panel or dashboard using WordPress admin link then click on appearance select theme option you will say add a new button on the top click on that option.

then you will see upload theme option just click on that option now you need to upload your WordPress theme zip file here and press upload it will take some time to upload your theme according to your theme size.

after some time you will see the live preview and activate the option on your screen just click on activate theme it will now applyed on your website just open your domain URL and check your website design it will automatically change according to your WordPress theme.

B. How to install WordPress thems from CPanel

if you feel the size is large and you will get an error while uploading your theme in WordPress admin dashboard then you have a second choice, you can upload Your theme from CPanel as well. So let’s see how it works.

log in to your C panel using your_domain/Cpanel  URL. I already told you how you can log in to your cPanel (check 4 number for that).

I hope now you successfully logged in to your Hosting cPanel. you will see lots of options there but you need to find the File Manager option.

Click on the File Manager option to select your domain path. it is always the public_html folder or in your domain main folder. just access your WordPress file like this.

Now go to public_html/wp-content/themes path. there you will find your WordPress by default thems. just click on the upload button on top and browse your WordPress theme zip file from your computer and upload it on your web hosting here.

after upload, you need to extract your WordPress theme zip file. select & right-click on your WordPress theme zip file and select extract option.

Click on that, it will extract your WordPress theme automatically. now your WordPress theme is installed successfully. if you want to delete the WordPress theme zip file you can do it now.

Finally, the theme is installed but not activated yet. so let’s activate our theme. first login to your WordPress dashboard.

click on appearance/ themes. there you will see your newly uploaded WordPress theme. just click on that theme and click on activate. it will activate your new WordPress theme.

6. Final words from Author

guys we have successfully installed WordPress on our cPanel. let me tell you something, I am using Godaddy domain provider and for hosting I am using NameCheap. it provides premium hosting at the cheapest rate.

if you want to start a business and you have a low budget, then you should try those services which I have mentioned above. Godaddy provides top-level domains and Namecheap provides premium hosting at a cheap price.

I hope now you properly understand, How To Install WordPress on Cpanel. I hope this article helpful to you. If yes, then please share this article with your friends and family. if you have any questions just comment below or contact me using my contact form.

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