Best Free VPS Setup 2022 (Hestia on Oracle Cloud Free Tier) Complete Website Guide On Android

Best Free VPS Setup 2022 – hello guys and in this tutorial, I am going to show you the best free VPS setup 2022 Always Free. Here you will not think if you want to post a website for lifetime free access.

So you are in the right place where we will tell you how you can host your WordPress website for always free.


Best Free VPS Setup 2022 (Hestia on Oracle Cloud Free Tier) Complete Website Guide On Android


For these guys, we are going to use Oracle cloud always free services to host our website using a control panel. In this guide, we will look for some highlighted points which are:

(1) Account Creation On Oracle Cloud Free Tier.
(2) Create Virtual Machine (VM) Instance.
(3) Connect VM through SSH client.
(4) Setup control panel.
(5) Access control panel.
(6) Setup Custom Domain & SSL.
(7) WordPress Installation.
(8) Increase the Upload limit.
(9) Email Setup.
(10) Create Your Own Google Drive For Free.

So read this article carefully and follow the guide step by step. Don’t forget any steps otherwise, you will not able to host a website for free for a lifetime using oracle Cloud. So let’s start.


How To Create Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account:


OK, first thing first you need to create an account on Oracle Cloud. For that just follow my steps.

1. Click on Oracle Cloud Free Tier Link here it will redirect you to the account creation page.

Create Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account

2. Here they will ask you, for some common details like your name and email address. So just put your details. Then click on submit.

3. Now they send you a verification mail on your email mailbox. Just click on the link which is present in the mail to verify your account.

4. Now they ask you, your country & your address with your debit or credit card information.

Don’t worry they charge Rs 80-90 for the verification of your identity. Then they refund you again within 1 hour.

NOTE: Prepaid or virtual cards are not accepted.

5. After all these steps you will redirect to your Oracle Cloud Console. If not then just wait for a mail from the Oracle cloud team.

6. They send you Log in link with your log in details in that mail. Use this link to log in to your Oracle Cloud Console.

7. After logging in to your Oracle Cloud Console. You will see $300 credits in your new account. You can use these credits for 30 Days only. It will automatically expire after 30 days. So you can use it if you want.




8. But we are going to use always free services from Oracle Cloud. So we will not be charged. You can read which services Oracle Cloud always Free Offers from here.


How To Create Virtual Machine (VM) Instance On Oracle Cloud:


OK so finally we successfully created an Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account. Now we need to create a Linux instance based on ARM. So let’s start.

1. Log in to your Oracle Cloud Console. Click on the left 👈 hamburger menu icon. Then search for compute service & click on instances.

How To Create Virtual Machine

2. Here you need to click on Create Instance button. Then just put any name for your Instance.

3. Now edit the Image and shape. Select Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 (right now it is the latest) image. For shape select ARM. You can use up to 4CPU & 24GB RAM for always free. (it is only for ARM-based processors.

4. Now time to add the SSH keys section. In pc, you can use putty software to generate private and public SSH keys. But we are using Android Phone so we can use Juicessh App.

(A) Download & Install Juicessh App From the Play store.

(B) Open Juicessh App. Click on Manage Connections. Then click on the Identities tab. Click on the plus ➕ icon to create a new identity.

create Identity in JuiceSSH

(C) it will ask for some details. Put any name for identity. For username put ubuntu. Then click on the password key. Just press OK within Generate tab.

Generate & Export SSH keys

(D) Now you will see your identity is created successfully. Now long press on identity. Then copy or export your private and public key stoneware. It will useful for future use.

public SSH key For Oracle Cloud

(E) Now we need a public key for the Oracle Cloud. So copy the public key then go to your instance creation page again.

5. Now select the public key option. Then paste your public key. Then click on create button to create our Instance.

6. It will take 2-4 minutes to create and run the model instance. After you see the great signal. This means your Ubuntu 30.04 VM Running successfully.

Create Ubuntu VM on Oracle cloud

How To Connect VM through SSH client :


OK, so we created an Ubuntu 20.04 VM on oracle cloud. But we need to connect via our juicessh App to use our VM.

1. Get your public IP address from your Instance running page. Because it is our server IP.

How To Get Public IP from Oracle cloud VM

2. Open the juicessh App. Go to Manage Connections. Then go to the Connections tab. Then create a new connection using the plus ➕ icon.

To Connect VM through SSH client

3. You can put any name for your connection name. In the address box paste your Server IP address. Most importantly identity select which you created before. Then save your settings.

4. Now you will see a new connection is created successfully. You can just click on that connection to access your VM terminal.

access Ubuntu Terminal


How To Setup Hestia Control Panel On Oracle Cloud VM :


OK so finally we are in our Ubuntu 20.04 terminal. So the next step is to install the control panel on our server.

We are using the Hestia Control panel on our server. It is an open-source control panel with great features and a simple interface. You can check out Hestia’s official website. So let’s start Hestia control panel installation.

1. Open your terminal. First, we need to update & upgrade our packages. To do that just copy-paste the commands into your terminal.


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

2. Now we need to Download the Hestia CP installer Script using this command.


# Be a Root User first.

sudo su -


# Download Hestia CP installer Script File. 




3. Run the installer and follow the prompts.

bash --force

4. It will ask you some questions while installing a Hestiacp. So watch my video to solve that question.

5. Installation will take 10-15 minutes. So wait until done. After all, the steps did it will ask you to reboot the system. Before rebooting the system scroll up in your terminal and copy your login details and save them into your notes.

6. I hope you save your login details somewhere. So now time to reboot our system. It will take 10-20 sec to reboot

7. Done now your Hestia Control Panel is installed Successfully.


How To Access Hestia control panel:


So time to Access the Hestia control panel. So to do that. Follow our steps.

1. First you need to Allow some ports to access your Hestia control panel properly.

2. So first go to your Instance page on Oracle cloud. Scroll down and click on the Virtual cloud network link.

3. Add some ports into your VCN as TCP. All ports you need are as follows :

Hestia control panel PORTS

If you don’t know how to do that just click here to watch the video.


4. After all ports are enabled. Now we can access our Hestia Control Panel. Open any web browser on mobile or pc.

5. Just put your server IP in the URL section. Then press enter. It will show you an alert page. So just click on advanced and click on the link to access your panel.

Log In To Hestia control panel

NOTE: You will see this security alert page because we did not set SSL on our control panel. So don’t worry we will do all the steps properly.

6. Now you will see the login page of the Hestia Control Panel. Just put your username & password which you saved before.

7. Boom you are now in the Hestia Control panel Dashboard.


How To Setup Custom Domain & SSL certificate on Hestia Control Panel :


OK, finely we are in our control panel. Now time to add our custom domain name to build our website on this control panel.

1. Ok so when you log in to your control panel. You will see a user page. Here you need to create a new user first.

Create New User in Hestia control panel

2. Click on add user button, set a new username and password for your new user then click on save. Now you will see two users on your screen.

New User Created Successfully

3. Just click on your new user name. Now you will be able to add a domain with that user.

4. Now click on the WEB tab above. Now you will get add domain option here. So let’s add your domain name which you bought from anywhere.

Add Custom Domain On Hestia control panel

5. Now we have successfully added our domain to our control panel. But we need to configure DNS records in the domain provider.

Connect Domain with Hosting

6. Go to your domain provider account. Find DNS option. I am using Cloudflare. But these steps are the same for all domain providers.

7. You need to add two records to your domain provider account to connect your domain with our Hosting. These two records are as follows ‘

Record 1: connect with your Hosting.

Type A
Name: @
A dress : (your server public IP).

Record 2: allow www for your domain.
Name: www
Target : (your domain).

Save the seeings and wait for some time to get changes to effect. It mainly takes 1-2 hours according to your domain provider’s response.

Domain Setup On Hestia control panel

8. After some time just open your domain in your browser and check. You will get a working on-site page which means your domain is connected with our Hestia Control Panel successfully.

9. Now time to set up an SSL certificate to allow HTTPS secure protocol on our website. To do that just select your domain in Hestia Control Panel. Then click on the pencil edit icon.

Setup SSL On Hestia control panel

10. Just activate and enable SSL for this domain option. Then select use lets encrypt to domain SSL – certificate option.

11. If you are using Cloudflare then don’t enable automatic HTTPS Redirect.

Because in Cloudflare it is already enabled. But if you are not using Cloudflare. Then enable this option. Then save settings.

12. It may take some time to reload the page. So wait for some time. After you will get a success message. Now your HTTPS working on your domain successfully. You can check by waiting for your domain.


How To Install WordPress On Hestia Control Panel :


Finally, our domain connected with our Hestia Control Panel with SSL. So our next step is to install WordPress on our domain.

1. Ok so select your domain in Hestia Control Panel. Click on the pencil edit icon. Then you will see the Quick App Installer option on the right side our your screen. Just click on it.

How To Install WordPress On Hestia Control Panel

2. Put some details for your outdoors Setup. Like WordPress username and password with email. Then click on install.

Confegure WordPress Login details

3. It will take some time to install WordPress. After you will get a success message. Just open your domain in the browser.

4. Now you will see your simple WordPress website on your screen. Now just visit your WordPress admin panel using domain/wp-admin.

WordPress Dashboard Log in

5. Put your username and password. Then you will be able to log in to your WordPress dashboard. Now you can design your site as per your need.


How To Increase the WordPress Media Upload limit:


If you install WordPress using Hestia Control Panel. You will get a 2MB upload limit. So let’s increase 2 MB to 1 GB.

How To Increase the WordPress Media Upload limit

1. log in you your Hestia Control Panel. Click on the Settings icon on the top bar. Then click on the configure option. Select web server.

2. Click on the web server apache 2 edit icon.

Increase Upload Size in Hestia control panel

3. Then click on the configure PHP option. Here you need to change some details like this :

post_max_ size: 1024M


Then click on the Save button.

4. Boom your 2MB limit increased to 1GB now. You can check from media/Add a new option in WordPress.


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